Front Exterior View

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dec.17th Update!

Hello Gang,
Thanks for checking in to see how we are doing!
The past several weeks were demolition. Unfortunately the floor joists were severally rotted and that was our one big surprise. We had to put in a whole new floor system! But as we have been going through this process, we are trying to recycle as much as we can. We are coming up with creative ways to utilize some of the old beams and wood. The building is already looking so different. You may have noticed that we put the windows in the building but a few bricks through them after hours have had us remove the glass part until we are more ready for completion. In the past 2 weeks we have started up fitting. The first step has been the plumbing and some framing. It is just so exciting for me to see what was once a dream, now becoming a reality! I am still pinching myself!!!! Please stop by to check-in. We look forward to being part of the great Cleveland-Holloway neighborhood!


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